Hazzard’s announcement offers ‘A major boost for walking’

17th January 2017


Infrastructure Minister Chris Hazzard’s ‘3-five-10’ plan ‘to place walking, cycling and public transport at the heart of the north’s transport policy’ has been warmly welcomed by Outdoor Recreation NI (ORNI), a not for profit organisation whose role is to develop, manage and promote outdoor recreation across Northern Ireland.

ORNI Chairperson, Dawson Stelfox MBE said:

“We congratulate the Minister for his commitment to developing walking and cycling further, particularly his acknowledgement of the need to provide well connected, safe, high quality walkways and cycleways”.

In both rural and urban areas, it is recognised that the lack of suitable infrastructure can act as a barrier to more of our population engaging in walking and cycling.

“The benefits of walking and cycling are extensive and well recognised, not just for travel, but also for recreation. Health benefits, greater community cohesion, as well as potential economic benefits stand to be realised. I am delighted that the Minister has today committed to develop an overarching strategic framework, which will pave the way for a Walking Strategy.”

“Outdoor Recreation NI has been championing the case for a Walking Strategy for Northern Ireland for considerable time so it is very rewarding to see the Minister take the lead on such an innovative, integrated and ambitious approach.”

“We very much look forward to working with the Department for Infrastructure, particularly in progressing a Walking Strategy for the benefit of citizens here”.