Outdoor Recreation NI Launches New Strategic Plan

2nd March 2021

Outdoor Recreation Northern Ireland has launched a new strategic plan for 2020-2025 setting out a new vision of ‘A more active and healthy society appreciating the outdoors’. 

As outlined in the foreword by Dawson Stelfox MBE, ORNI Chairperson, developing a strategy in 2020/21 amidst a global pandemic is certainly fraught with challenges, however, the COVID-19 crisis has clearly demonstrated that there has never been a greater need for what we do. The actions we take across the next five years and beyond will be critical in creating a more active and healthy society who appreciate the outdoors.

We have framed our Strategy in response to recent and timely research ‘Outdoor Recreation – People, Nature and Health (2021)’ which in many ways confirms and quantifies many things we already knew – engaging responsibly with the outdoors is good for you, the environment and the economy.

However, it is also clear, we have more to do as the benefits of the outdoors are not being realised equally across society. Nearly 1 in 3 state they do not have greenspace within easy walking distance of their home and there are longstanding issues which cause certain demographic groups to visit the outdoors less regularly than the national average. Inequalities exist for the unemployed, people with no car, those from the least affluent socio-economic groups and those with a disability

This Strategy sets out our ambition and focus to achieve success. Whilst our directors, staff and volunteers will not be found wanting, ultimate success can only be achieved through partnership working, so I hope you will join us in meeting our challenge.

Download Full Strategy 

Download Summary Strategy